The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, stayed at the Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW), during his two-day visit to Varanasi.

Writing in the visitors` book as he concluded his visit, he remarked that the stay in DLW brought back memories of his childhood, when he had been closely associated with trains and railway stations. The Prime Minister described how he recalled the passengers and railway carriages, and how this was such an emotional experience for him.

DLW - 07-11-2014-684

The Prime Minister thanked the hard-working (karmyogi) people at DLW and said he would now keep visiting. Looking ahead, the Prime Minister said that the memories of childhood would lead to new resolve and new possibilities.

May Mother Ganga`s love and blessings keep our country, and our thoughts, clean, the Prime Minister said.

Following is the original Hindi text of the Prime Minister`s inscription:

"बचपन से ही मेरा नाता रेल्वे से रहा, रेल्वे स्टेशन से रहा , रेल के डिब्बे से रहा।

कल से मैं यहीं DLW के परिसर में ठहरा हूँ। चारों तरफ रेल्वे के माहौल ने मुझे मेरे बचपन से जोड़ दिया।

शायद पहली बार पूरा समय बचपन, वो रेल के डिब्बे, वो यात्री, सबकुछ मेरी आँखों के सामने ज़िंदा हो गया। वे यादें बहुत ही भावुक थी।

यहां सबका अपनापन बहुत भाया। सभी कर्मयोगी भाइयों को धन्यवाद।

अब तो मुझे बार बार यहां आना होगा। फिर बचपन की स्मृतियों के साथ नए संकल्प, संभावनाएं बनेंगी।

माँ गंगा का प्यार और आशीर्वाद हमारे देश को निर्मल बनाये, हमारी सोच को निर्मल बनाये यही प्रार्थना।"

(नरेन्द्र मोदी) 8.11.2014